
Hey there! I'm Megan. I live with my family in Durham, North Carolina. Life with 3 boys keeps me busy! I'm constantly trying to simplify our life - and keep our home and spaces organized.

My background is in Retail Buying and Marketing. However, most recently I've been working in the world of Interior Design.

I love streamlined and tidy spaces, with a cozy, personal feel. Hitting up the flea market or a vintage store is a favorite pastime. Sometimes treasures from the past can make the biggest impact in a space. I'm almost always up for a home DIY project - there's not much a coat of paint or a YouTube tutorial can't fix. But, most importantly, I always aim to make the most of the space we use. At the end of the day it should reflect the way we live our life and the things we love most.

When I'm not at work organizing and styling my own space - or someone else's - you'll catch me reading, running, at some sports event, or hanging out with my family.